“The story follows two students who are studying archaeology in college, who mysteriously become trapped in a cave and inexplicably find themselves lost in another world, terribly different from earth which unaccountably reveals strange events. Filled with shock and surprise, they… ”



“The story follows two students who are studying archaeology in college, who mysteriously become trapped in a cave and inexplicably find themselves lost in another world, terribly different from earth which unaccountably reveals strange events. Filled with shock and surprise, they… ”

About the author

Pat Queen

I have been a Christian since age 13. My faith has impacted my entire life and my literary work. I have always loved animals, especially cats, dogs and horses


Pat Queen, author of Destiny Delivered.

Pat Queen, author of Destiny Delivered

Happy travelers, Fred and Pat Queen

Pat Queen on the balcony of our cruise ship going out to sea

On a cliff overlooking the ocean, in Hawaii

Pat Queen at Pearl Harbor

Pat Queen with a dinosaur head

Pat Queen in front of ancient turtle skeleton in the museum

Pat with the sloths at the zoo

Pat standing in front of a waterfall in Hawaii

Miami Book Fair 2023 last November 12 - 19


About the Book

The story follows two students who are studying archaeology in college, who mysteriously become trapped in a cave and inexplicably find themselves lost in another world, terribly different from earth which unaccountably reveals strange events. Filled with shock and surprise, they see two moons in the night sky, strange animals unknown to them, and a small airplane in the sky, which makes no sense. Antoine has a strong sense of ESP, which has always caused him more distress than peace, and is confused by the cascade of emotions he endures. They decide that they have to travel in an attempt to reach home again …

Hollywood Book Review

The complexities of life and death often wrap themselves around themes of destiny. The idea that the universe is a living, breathing thing and it has orchestrated the events of our lives can be a complex concept to accept in this modern day and age, and yet the hope that we are “destined” for something far greater than we know, is an idea that allows a person to not only feel meaning in their life, but to strive to better themselves to fulfill that destiny.

It can be said that in that case, our actions are the catalyst for destiny. This idea is perfectly orchestrated in author Pat Queen’s Destiny Delivered: Twann from T’Nikwa. The story follows archeology students Antoine and Skylar, who mysteriously appear on another world after becoming trapped in a cave. The world has two moons, indescribable animals they’ve never seen, and strangely a plane flying in the night sky. Living with a strong ESP ability most of his life, Antoine quickly becomes overwhelmed with a wave of emotions, and they decide they have to move in order to reach their home. Through a series of events, the two become fast friends with a native young man of the world named Buji, and the trio are soon adopted into a local tribe…

Audio Interview


Listen to the first three chapters and get a sneak peek into the gripping adventure of Destiny Delivered. The complete audiobook will be available soon!

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